
It has been more than half a decade since I have been a marketer.

As a Computer science engineer, Digital marketing always seemed very natural and best to my abilities. My technical skills along with fondness for human understanding, merged to get me where I am.

I have always been a big fan of open-source and believe that had it not been for google and research papers available online, I would have struggled a lot during my career switch.

I worked across 12 major industries, succeeding at most and failing a few. Along the way, I allowed real life lessons to be my marketing guide.

During early days, I was always amazed how helpful online coding community. Guys at stack overflow, freecodecamp etc are where real programmers are born.

Same could not be said about marketing. I often asked around and reasoned, marketing works on the principal of surprise. When a marketing tactic becomes famous, it looses its value as everyone is doing the same. Result of which, standing out is difficult.

Hence, Great marketers have often been reserved about what made them successful. Few dared to write books but theory doesn't work much in real life.

This blog is with a purpose that I shed light on learnings, tactics, and analysis.

Marketers, Indiehackers, Businessmen and human psychology professionals are my main readers.

Currently, I am as a business head of Parashar Media where I work for selected clients and media houses.

I am present across these web platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn and MarketingBaba.in

I trust you find value with my work.

yours truly, Vivek